Proxy Pricing
Good things cost more. At Syphoon, they don’t.
Join us and use some of our services for FREE. Forever*.
No credit card needed.
From starter plans for individuals to highly customizable enterprise plans for corporates, we have something for everyone.
If you’re a business looking for a trial,
speak to us.
Residential Plans
- 1 GB bandwidth
- 1 Thread
- Standard Proxies
- Geotargeting
- JS Support
- Sessions
- Customizable Headers
- Limited Support
- 10 GB bandwidth
- 10 Threads
- Standard Proxies
- Geotargeting
- JS Support
- Sessions
- Customizable Headers
- Limited Support
- 25 GB bandwidth
- 10 Threads
- Standard Proxies
- Geotargeting
- JS Support
- Sessions
- Customizable Headers
- Limited Support
- 25 GB bandwidth
- 10 Threads
- Standard Proxies
- Geotargeting
- JS Support
- Sessions
- Customizable Headers
- Limited Support
Proxy Plans
- 1 GB bandwidth
- 1 Thread
- Standard Proxies
- Geotargeting
- JS Support
- Sessions
- Customizable Headers
- Limited Support
- 10 GB bandwidth
- 10 Threads
- Standard Proxies
- Geotargeting
- JS Support
- Sessions
- Customizable Headers
- Limited Support
- 25 GB bandwidth
- 10 Threads
- Standard Proxies
- Geotargeting
- JS Support
- Sessions
- Customizable Headers
- Limited Support
- 25 GB bandwidth
- 10 Threads
- Standard Proxies
- Geotargeting
- JS Support
- Sessions
- Customizable Headers
- Limited Support
*Offer limited to Hobby Plan