

Proxy Usage

User Account



What are Proxies?

Proxies are intermediate servers that mask your original IP source and protect your true online identity etc.

What's the difference between Data-Center Vs Residential proxies?


A data-center is an organization that offers large amounts of IPs with consecutive numbers, that are stored on the data-center’s servers.

Pros: Data center IPs are more affordable than residential IPs. They are also called “static IPs” because they are always available and can hold a long session without the risk of becoming unavailable before the goal is achieved.

Cons: There are thousands of data centers worldwide. They are listed and their IPs can be identified as not real users, which makes them easier to recognize and block. Some websites would display misleading information when they spot a connection attempt from a data center IP.

Residential IPs

The IPs of real end users’ devices.

Pros: When used correctly, residential IPs are nearly impossible to identify as proxies, as they are the real IPs of end users. Using Syphoon’s Residential network allows huge flexibility since it consists of over 35 million IPs located in every country in the world.

Cons: A Residential IP can become unavailable and be replaced during a session, since it’s a device of a real person that may use it or turn it off – Syphoon takes extra measures to ensure the satisfaction and comfort of its network peers.

How is Syphoon different from other providers?

In addition to a peer to peer (P2P) network, We also use smart proxy rotation based on unique positions and locations of multiple ISP providers. We have integrated 100s of ISPs from various geographical locations. Also, our customer achieves a failure rate of  less than 1% with the correct architecture.

 Our network is capable of transmitting 100s of GB/sec data, which allows any customer to access content and data from any web source globally. The result is a highly secure and scalable managed network with unprecedented availability.

Do you support geolocation?

We support Geolocations for all regions. For major regions, Geolocation is available on the fly. For other regions, we can allocate regional proxies upon request.

Do you support custom headers?

Yes, we do support custom headers to get customised results. Click here for documentation.

Do you support JS rendering?

Yes, We support JS rendering for headless browsing. Click here for documentation.

Do you support Sticky sessions?

Our Advance Session manager system allows you to use to the same session for subsequent requests using your own random session Number. Click here for documentation.

Is crawling a particular site legal?

One can crawl publicly available data. However, its usage is entirely dependent on the policies and guidelines set by the target website.

How are my IPs refreshed?

Syphoon’s intelligent proxy rotation algorithm ensures that you have a new IP with each request.

How are the proxy pools refreshed?

Our algorithms are on a continuous lookout for slow performing redundant proxies and prune them systematically to ensure enhanced quality and reliability.


Payment verification------ (hide this for now)

Syphoon maintains high compliance standards based on the principles of deterrence, prevention, and enforcement of malicious activities to ensure that our network is both safe for customers and ethical.

It is for this reason that we are requesting that you identify yourself using your preferred payment method. We will charge you $1 and reward you with an additional $10 bonus ($11 in total) for your help and cooperation.

How does the Syphoon billing cycle work?

Syphoon’s billing cycle starts on the 1st of each month. This means that you will be billed for your monthly account commitment automatically on the 1st of every month as long as your account status is active.

What happens if I join Syphoon in the middle of the billing cycle (in the middle of the month)?

If you join Syphoon in the middle of the month, your first minimum account commitment payment will be charged on the day you join and usage will retroactively apply only to the days in which your account was active during the month.

Example: You join the Syphoon Network on the 25th day of June, your price plan has a $500 minimum monthly commitment and you make your first payment of $500.

What will happen on July 1st?

Our system will see your account was active for only 6 days during June which are 20% of the month, so the relative part of the minimum monthly commitment will be $100. Unless the cost of your usage was higher than that, $100 will be your cost for June.

We will send you an invoice and take $100 from your balance against June cost, leaving your balance with $400.

Since on the 1st of every month your balance needs to comply with your minimum monthly commitment, we will now charge your credit card for $100 in order to top it back to $500 to comply with your minimum monthly commitment for July.

Is Syphoon really free?

Yes, it is! You can use Syphoon for FREE forever*. Click here to get started with a FREE forever Hobby plan, or send an email to sales@syphoon.com.

Do you need a credit card to avail the FREE Hobby plan?

No. Just sign up with your basic information and start Syphooning!

Is there a refund policy with Syphoon?

Besides the FREE forever plan at Syphoon, we provide a FREE 7-day trial to enterprise clients for them to better understand our capabilities. We don’t offer any refund.

Which forms of payment do you accept? ----- (hide this for now)

We have an automated billing system that supports payments that are carried out through PayPal, credit card, and Stripe. In case of enterprise clients, we accept Wire Transfers and provide a discount.

We do not accept Bitcoins.

How do I register for payment through PayPal? ----(Hide this for now)

Under the billing page, select “PayPal” as your payment method. Now you can click the “pay now” button, and you will be redirected automatically to PayPal.

How do I register for payment through PayPal? ----(Hide this for now)

Under the billing page, select “PayPal” as your payment method. Now you can click the “pay now” button, and you will be redirected automatically to PayPal.

Do you have any advanced pricing plans that cover unlimited data volume?

Currently, we do not have any unlimited data volume plans. But we allow you to customize your plan as per your requirement. Feel free to contact us here or message us via sales@syphoon.com.

What happens when my usage goes beyond my minimum account commitment?

When you have used 85% of your bandwidth during a given month, you will receive an email requesting you to add bandwidth to your account. If you do not add bandwidth, your account will continue to operate until you have used 100% of your total bandwidth. Once you have reached usage amounting to 100% of your total bandwidth, your account will be suspended unless additional bandwidth is added. We also have an Exceeding Bandwidth System for our enterprise clients.

Do you have a referral system?

Yes, we do have a referral system in place. Email us at sales@syphoon.com if you have any questions.

Can you prepare a custom proxy package for me?

Yes, we can prepare almost any custom solution for your needs. Please contact our support team at support@syphoon.com to discuss your exact business requirements and pricing. 

In order to find the best solution for your case, our team will ask what you plan on using our products for, and how much data you may need.

Can I cancel my subscription at any time?

Sure! At any time. You can contact us here and we will cancel your subscription.

Will my unused credits roll over to the next month?

No, unused credit will not roll over from one billing cycle to the other.

The reason we work in this method is that we convert credits to bandwidth and add it to your account at the beginning of every billing cycle and subtract it from our network capabilities.

Like all major SAAS companies, our plans are all based on pre-paid fixed auto recurring subscription fees. This means that your account is charged automatically every time a new billing cycle starts.

I signed up to a Syphoon plan but didn’t get an email from you, what should I do?

Please send an email to sales@syphoon.com and we’ll get back to you ASAP.

Do you offer long-term plans?

Currently, We are not offering any long term plans. We may offer such a plan in future.


   Proxy Usage 

How to start using Syphoon?

Syphoon is built for all. You can use it in a several ways you prefer. Refer out Doc HERE for an easy-to-understand step-by-step guide.

Can I use Syphoon on more than one device?

Yes. You are not limited by the number of devices, IPs, sessions, concurrent connections, or Geo-Locations. We charge based only on the traffic going through our network.

How can I select proxies for a specific country?

By default, we have the top regions supported for geolocation. Still, we provide a feature of targeting a specific country. Please check out our documentation here for more information.

We also provide regional IPs for other countries upon request.

Is there any way that the target website can trace the origin of the IP back to us?

No. When a Syphoon customer sends a request through the Syphoon proxy network, that request is sent to a Syphoon Server, which strips away identifying information(if any), and sends that request to one of the millions of IPs that opted into the Syphoon network. The IP of the proxy on the Syphoon network is a Residential IP, belonging to a regular Internet user in a geography of the Syphoon customers’ choice. The request to the target website originates from that IP, and is not traceable further back to Syphoon Server, or then to the Syphoon customer.

How is bandwidth calculated?

Only successful requests are computed (with 200 and 404 status codes). On top of that, we bill ONLY response data. Most premium proxy service providers bill users based on the sum of data transmitted to and from the target site: request headers + request data + response headers + response data.

For the purpose of our service bandwidth calculation, 1 GB equals 1000 MB.

How does Syphoon handle our private data?

We handle the Personal and Processed information of our customers for various purposes. We use such information for contact purpose and internal operations, including troubleshooting, testing, dashboards, service improvement, etc. Please check our privacy policy page for more information.

Do you support unlimited concurrent requests?

No, we don’t. We believe data extraction to be a responsible task and have capped multithreading of requests through rate-limiting systems so as to avoid getting the target servers DDOSed.

What are the types of HTTP response status codes and what do they mean?

1XX  Informational responses

100 Continue
101 Switching Protocols
103 Early Hints

2XX  Successful responses

200 OK
201 Created
202 Accepted
203 Non-Authoritative Information
204 No Content
205 Reset Content
206 Partial Content

3XX  Redirects

300 Multiple Choices
301 Moved Permanently
302 Found
303 See Other
304 Not Modified
307 Temporary Redirect
308 Permanent Redirect

4XX  Client Errors

400 Bad Request
401 Unauthorized
402 Payment Required
403 Forbidden
404 Not Found
405 Method Not Allowed
406 Not Acceptable
407 Proxy Authentication Required
408 Request Timeout
409 Conflict
410 Gone
411 Length Required
412 Precondition Failed
413 Payload Too Large
414 URI Too Long
415 Unsupported Media Type
416 Range Not Satisfiable
417 Expectation Failed
418 I’m a teapot
422 Unprocessable Entity
425 Too Early
426 Upgrade Required
428 Precondition Required
429 Too Many Requests
431 Request Header Fields Too Large
451 Unavailable For Legal Reasons

5XX Server Errors 

500 Internal Server Error
501 Not Implemented
502 Bad Gateway
503 Service Unavailable
504 Gateway Timeout
505 HTTP Version Not Supported
506 Variant Also Negotiates
507 Insufficient Storage
508 Loop Detected
510 Not Extended
511 Network Authentication Required

What is IP leak and how to solve it?

IP leak means your real IP is being revealed by the target site even though you are using proxy to mask your request.

Various 3rd party programs cause your actual IP to be leaked when using Syphoon through a browser:

  • WebRTC
  • Flash
  • Java
  • JavaScript
  • ActiveX

To ensure this does not happen, make sure to turn these off to be 100% anonymous.

Do you have a use case policy?

We do. When you sign up with us, you agree to use our service for legal purposes and comply with our licence agreement.

Common Use Cases

Organic Keyword Tracking- Mapping a company’s ranking for various keywords in different locations

Brand Protection- Track top results for company brands and trademarks

Price Comparison- Search for products on online shopping websites and compare prices between different vendors

Market Research- Collect information about companies, contacts, locations and more

Detect Copyright Infringements- Search for images or other copyright‐protected content

Ad Intelligence- See which ads are showing for keywords in different countries including (double‐click & Google ad services)

Why use Syphoon for SERP?

Gather Accurate Data- Our residential network provides the absolute truth by gathering SERP search data as a real-user.

Reduce Costs- Save money on data extraction engineers and IT professionals without worrying about server maintenance.

Adaptable- Easily integrated into all 3rd party crawler software.

Avoid Operational Headaches- Each request is sent from a different IP ensuring no IP is flagged or banned.

Built For Volume- Syphoon can support your growing traffic needs and peak periods.

Real-Residential IPs- 35+ million real-user IPs in all geo-locations.

How to emulate real browser using curl request?

Real browser emulation when sending requests through code is crucial for getting a successful response from the target site.

In order to achieve that you should do the following steps:

  • Open Chrome browser
  • Open developer tools using Ctrl + Shift + I
  • Navigate to the Network tab
  • Run your target URL in the address bar
  • Right click the first request on the Network tab to open the context menu
  • Click ‘Copy as cURL’, and the full request with real browser headers will be copied to your clipboard

Use this request to emulate real browser

Why should I use custom headers?

Custom headers are mainly meant to make the request more specific. You should use it in cases when you need to mimic a human user behavior or pass custom parameters with your requests that are needed by the target site.

Sending requests without headers can make it easier for the target site to mark the IP as proxy and can make your request get detectable by the target site and eventually reduce your request’s success rate.

What protocols are supported?

We supports both HTTP/S and SOCKS5 protocols.

Can I configure my web browser to use Syphoon residential IPs proxy?

Yes, you can do that by changing your IP for web browsers.

Are there any service restrictions?

Your content goes here. Edit or remove this text inline or in the module Content settings. You can also style every aspect of this content in the module Design settings and even apply custom CSS to this text in the module Advanced settings.

   User Account

How do I reset my account password?

You can reset your account password through the password recovery page.

Note that this link will also appear after an unsuccessful login attempt.

What is the dashboard Timezone?

The dashboard Timezone is UTC.

Can I see usage stats? Is there a dashboard?

Yes, you will have access to a usage dashboard. Please log into the dashboard here. Log in with your email address and a password.

In the dashboard, you can see hourly, daily, and monthly usage statistics. However, using the dashboard is optional, you can choose to not have your usage statistics recorded.

Can I check my account’s bandwidth usage in real time?

Yes, your account’s bandwidth usage & balance is calculated in real time and available on your Dashboard.

How to measure successful requests?

Requests that are returned with HTTP status code 200 or 404 are considered successful by default. In case you want to customize the rule to determine a successful request you can contact your success manager and he will configure that for you.

Can I have more than one account at a time?

Yes, you can have more than one account at a time, we can segregate it into one.


Can't find an answer to your question in the FAQ?

You can email your question at support@syphoon.com and our team of experts will address your query personally

What kind of customer support do you provide?

We provide 24/7 live chat support through Drift, or you can email us at support@syphoon.com. Subject to circumstances, we always try to aid our customers immediately, and in any case in no longer than four hours. Also, we are always happy to share our knowledge and expertise on web scraping and any other relevant topics. 

Additionally, we assign a dedicated account manager to each client whenever a contract is signed.

What information should be provided when reporting an issue?

As a rule of thumb, the more information is provided, the faster we can get down to the bottom of the problem and find a solution. Please follow the following list of what should be provided when reporting an issue:

  • Code snippets.
  • The programming language and platforms/frameworks you work with.
  • Logs, sample URLs and any other information you may find relevant.

Please email this information and a description of the issue to either support@syphoon.com or your dedicated account manager.

I need help with solving a technical issue

In case you have an issue that you attempted and failed to resolve, and it has been made clear by a Syphoon’s representative that the problem does not originate in Syphoon, you may ask Syphoon Team for Developer help.

In this process, a Syphoon’s Developer will investigate and resolve the issue at hand for our customers.

This service is provided in selected cases as per Syphoon’s consideration. You can contact us here or email us at support@syphoon.com. 

How can I contact Syphoon’s support?

Email: support@syphoon.com

Skype: syphoon

Availability and response time

The support team is available 24/7. It usually takes us less than 30 minutes to answer a support request.

What steps should I perform, before raising a issue?

Before raising any issues please do the following at your end:

  • Your account is active,
  • Concurrency is within a prescribed limit
  • A working internet connection
  • You are using updated API or Proxy:Port
  • Your account is having Bandwidth Available

Who answers my support requests?

All Support requests are answered by a team of our developers, who develops & maintains Syphoon’s products, and business managers, who masters the ins and outs of our services.